- Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE) marked the World Cancer Day by launching the European Call to Action Campaign. The call highlights the existing disparities in access the treatment and healthcare services for lung cancer patients and the actions to tackle them.
- Stefania Vallone, LuCE president, spoke to Health Europe Quaterly about the disparities and barriers that remain in access to innovative lung cancer diagnostics, drugs, and services – http://bit.ly/2GuBHnz
- LuCE was among the main collaborators of 3rd ESO Masterclass in cancer patient advocacy. Mirjami Tran Mihn from the Association of Cancer Patients in Finland, presented LuCE’s efforts in tackling the disparities in access to treatment and healthcare services across Europe. Lavinia Magee, member of National Lung Cancer Forum for Nurses Committee and LuCE member, actively participated in this event championing the nurses important role in improving services for lung cancer patients and their carers.
- Stefania, Vallone, LuCE President, was key note speaker @IASLC Lung Cancer Immunotherapy Meeting, held between March 22-25, 2018 in Barcelona. She was presenting patient perspective on lung cancer treatment progress, by providing useful insight information on patient helth literacy on immunotherapy. https://bit.ly/2I1IExi
- During latest LuCE Report launching event, Stefania Vallone, LuCE’s President encouraged the attendees to give a step forward, and try working together to get improvement in access to innovative therapies and healthcare services, ensuring sustainability of different health-care systems and tackle the burden of this disease, offering more equal conditions to thousands of individuals across Europe affected by lung cancer.
Many LuCE members followed this recommendation and translated the Report in order to raise the public and the political awareness on important issues such the access to new treatments. The translated documents can be read or downloaded following these links:
LuCE Report in German: https://bit.ly/2qhpDzs
LuCE Report in Italian: https://bit.ly/2GNtQ57
LuCE Report in Polish: https://bit.ly/2Jsm81Q
LuCE Report in Spanish: https://bit.ly/2EsJIYK
- Between the 20th and the 22nd April, LuCE organized the annual AGM in Sofia welcoming 3 new members from Eastern Europe – Udruga oboljelih od raka pluča – Croatia, Dzivibas Koks – Latvia and Community Health Association – Romania.
- LuCE @ASCO 2018
Prof. Giulio Scagliotti talked about lungcancer highlights with Stefania Vallone, LuCE president and Diego Villalón, LuCE member. Topics focused on new treatment for scuamous cell carcinoma and combination of imunotherapy and chemotherapy for a large number of PDL-1 patients. https://bit.ly/2RcvwhK
- LuCE president, Stefania Vallone provided an insight analysis on “Being heard over the noise: The patient viewpoint” during #ESMO2018.

- On 28th of November LuCE held an event on 28th November at the EU Parliament to highlight the current challenges in clinical trials across Europe. Within the occasion of this event, the 3rd edition of the LuCE report, which highlights some of the challenges still faced regarding research, was presented. https://bit.ly/2KH4rwH
- MSD, in collaboration with Lung Cancer Europe and the European Cancer Patient Coalition, held the European Cancer Forum in Brussels to discuss around topics such as how to improve outcomes for people living with lung cancer, how to enable access to innovation within financially sustainable healthcare systems and how to address survivorship challenges.