We are delighted to present the 8th Report, titled “Financial impact of lung cancer: A European Perspective”. Lung Cancer Europe will hold an event on 29th November at the European Parliament (Brussels) and we invite you to watch it on our YouTube channel:
This launch event will be hosted by MEP István Ujhelyi (MEP Lung Health Group) and supported by the European Lung Foundation, European Patients´ Forum, the European Respiratory Society and the MEP Lung Health Group.
This report is a descriptive research analysis that explores the economic burden of lung cancer, as reported by people diagnosed with the disease and those in a caregiving capacity. Data collection was through a self-filled online survey (May 26th – July 5th, 2023). This survey was completed by 1,161 participants (834 people with lung cancer and 327 caregivers) across 28 European countries.
The event recording and a full copy of the report will be available HERE after the event.
Agenda (CET time)
9.30 – Event Welcome
Dr. Anne-Marie Baird, President of Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE)
9.31 – An EU perspective on lung cancer
Mr. István Ujhelyi, Member of the European Parliament and co-chair of the MEP Lung Health Group
9.45 – Presentation of the 8th LuCE Report on “Financial impact of lung cancer: A European perspective”
Dr. Anne-Marie Baird, President of Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE)
10.00 – Advocacy perspective of the financial impact of lung cancer
Ms. Emma Andersson, Advocacy Specialist, Association of Cancer Patients (Finland)
10.15 – Patient perspective of the financial impact of lung cancer
Mr. Alexandre Brutti, Mon Réseau Cancer du Poumon (France)
10.25 – Caregiver perspective of the financial impact of lung cancer
Ms. Lydia Gil, Asociación Española de Afectados de Cáncer de Pulmón (Spain)
10.35 – Q&A
10.45 – Summary & Call to Action
Dr. Anne-Marie Baird, President of Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE)
11.00 – Meeting Close