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APEU joins Lung Cancer Europe

We are pleased to welcome another new member to Lung Cancer Europe as Alk Positive Europe joins the LuCE family.

ALK Positive Europe (APEU), which is based in Germany, is a non-profit organisation connecting ALK-positive patient associations, advocacy groups and ALK+ ambassadors across Europe.

It is a patient-centred voice and advocacy group that raises awareness of ALK-positive lung cancer, advocates for better treatments and supports research to change the future of ALK-positive lung cancer.

Its objectives are:

➡️ to improve the quality of life for ALK-positive patients and turn an incurable disease into a chronic and hopefully curable disease

➡️ to improve access to state-of-the-art medical care, clinical trials, medicines and therapies for European ALK+ patients.

APEU is the largest community of ALK-positive patients in Europe with 13 members representing 1,800 patients and caregivers.

ALK Positive Europe members include ALK-positive patient organisations and ambassadors from Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain and Greece.

Its board members are:

➡️ Nicoline Ehrhardt – President

➡️ Anke Niekus – Board member

➡️ Pilar Mūnoz – Board member

We value that they have joined LuCE and look forward to working closely with them.

Find out more about ALK Positive Europe here: https://alkpositiveeurope.org/