We are pleased to welcome another new member to Lung Cancer Europe as Alk Positive Europe joins the LuCE family.
ALK Positive Europe (APEU), which is based in Germany, is a non-profit organisation connecting ALK-positive patient associations, advocacy groups and ALK+ ambassadors across Europe.
It is a patient-centred voice and advocacy group that raises awareness of ALK-positive lung cancer, advocates for better treatments and supports research to change the future of ALK-positive lung cancer.
Its objectives are:
to improve the quality of life for ALK-positive patients and turn an incurable disease into a chronic and hopefully curable disease
to improve access to state-of-the-art medical care, clinical trials, medicines and therapies for European ALK+ patients.
APEU is the largest community of ALK-positive patients in Europe with 13 members representing 1,800 patients and caregivers.
ALK Positive Europe members include ALK-positive patient organisations and ambassadors from Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain and Greece.
Its board members are:
Nicoline Ehrhardt – President
Anke Niekus – Board member
Pilar Mūnoz – Board member
We value that they have joined LuCE and look forward to working closely with them.
Find out more about ALK Positive Europe here: https://alkpositiveeurope.org/