• +1 700 888 1234

  • Effingerstrasse 40 3008 Bern Switzerland

We are pleased to welcome another new member to the Lung Cancer Europe family as EGFR Positive UK joins.
EGFR Positive UK is a patient-driven charity committed to providing information and support for EGFR-mutated lung cancer patients and their families.
It is also dedicated to supporting research and advocacy to change EGFR positive lung cancer into a chronic disease that can be managed long-term.
‘We work to raise awareness of EGFR positive lung cancer and end the stigma associated with lung cancer in general. We know that anyone with lungs can get lung cancer – young or old, smoker or never-smoker.’
Find out more about the UK’s only charity dedicated to EGFR patients here: https://www.egfrpositive.org.uk/
We welcome all its members to LuCE and look forward to working with the team at EGFR Positive UK.