• +1 700 888 1234

  • Effingerstrasse 40 3008 Bern Switzerland

Become a member​

The purpose of LuCE is to be the voice of people impacted by lung cancer at a European level. We are a non-profit association that provides a platform for organisations supporting people affected by lung cancer. We advocate and network to improve outcomes for the community and our vision is to be an equal stakeholder in the community so nobody dies from lung cancer.

Our key challenges and objectives are:

  • Contribute to improve the early diagnosis of lung cancer
  • Enhance our network by improving internal communication and engage potential new members
  • Advocate for equality of access to treatment and care across Europe
  • Improve the skills and build capacity among our community to increase the presence and relevance of lung cancer patient advocates
  • Reduce lung cancer stigma

Why become a member?​

LuCE represents our members’ voice at the European level.

LuCE membership benefits:

  • Become part of a strong collaborative network of patient advocates
  • Access our capacity building and educational programs, and patient materials to increase your organisation’s outreach and sustainability
  • Share our network of partners and stakeholders
  • Access evidence-based reports and position papers to improve your advocacy efforts at a national and regional level
  • Access and contribute expertise for the benefit people impacted by lung cancer
Is my organisation eligible for LuCE membership?

LuCE offers three types of membership:

  • Full membership is open domestic and foreign non-profit active lung cancer specific groups, including online groups, which have a focus on people from countries in the WHO European region. Full Members are eligible to vote, nominate and elect the members of the Executive Board. Further, full members may submit proposals for projects and activities to the Executive Board for consideration.
  • Associate membership is open to domestic and foreign non-profit groups, individuals or health care professionals with an interest in lung cancer, which do not meet the criteria for full membership. Associate Members are not eligible to vote, nominate or elect the members of the Executive Board. However, Associated Members are entitled to attend the General Assembly and may submit proposals for projects and activities to the Executive Board for consideration.
  • Individual membership: is open to domestic and foreign individual patients, caregivers, advocates, or health care professionals, with an interest in lung cancer, who do not meet the criteria for full membership. Individual Members are not eligible to vote. They can be nominated and be elected as a part of the Executive Board. Individual Members are entitled to attend the General Assembly and may submit proposals for projects and activities to the Executive Board.

There is a membership fee of 150€ per year for full members and 50€ per year for associate and individual members.

Further information on LuCE membership and its constitution can be consulted at the Articles of Association of Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE)

How can you apply for LuCE membership?

If your organization meets the membership criteria, LuCE will require you to submit the form below: 

Become a Member

Organisation registered address(Required)
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Max. file size: 16 MB.
Max. file size: 16 MB.