• +1 700 888 1234

  • Effingerstrasse 40 3008 Bern Switzerland

LuCE supports the WECAN statement concerning recent reports about the ECPC

LuCE is proud to support the WECAN statement concerning recent reports about the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) and the potential impact on EU research projects.

I3LUNG Study to Revolutionize Lung Cancer Treatment Launches Website

The I3LUNG project funded by the European Commission and promoted by MEDSIR, an independent clinical research company in oncology based in Barcelona, ​​the Instituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan and other European institutions has launched a new website.

Project PEER: Understanding the lung cancer Patient Experience in the Real-world setting

Project PEER: Understanding the lung cancer Patient Experience in the Real-world setting

We are hiring! Administration Assistant position

Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE) has a new opportunity for part-time administration support for our small but active team driving our […]

Call to action: Fighting lung cancer together as equals

On 7 December 2022, with the occasion of the European Cancer Forum, an event supported by Lung Cancer Europe and […]

7th LuCE Report on Lung Cancer Live Launch Event

Join us at our virtual launch of the 7th LuCE report: “Challenges in the care pathway and preferences of people […]